Lync • Creative™
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  Enter beta version 1.1

As you can see, the Lync Creative™ website has evolved from a single web page to an online presence. We have implemented the new brand identity throughout the website as well as the enewsletter for a more coherent and consistent brand campaign.

Here are some of the initial changes:

New graphic user interface (GUI)
We have utilised a new graphic user interface that is clean and simple to use with colourful icons to focus your attention to particular sections of the web page. This helps you navigate around the web page more quickly and with experience will lead to greater accessibility.

New suite of creative solutions
With our new brand identity comes a suite of new solutions with an emphasis on delivering creative support to your business or organisation's greatest asset - the brand. All of our solutions will be positioned towards adding value to your brand.

New integrated online advertising
Online advertising is a powerful medium to promote your brand and extend your reach to a global audience. With our website's integrated online advertising, we can show examples of clever, great and poor display advertisements.

There is of course much more to come in the future. From interactive flash media to more online content and functionality, we will continue to add value to your online experience at

Although we tested the new design with a variety of different browsers, as with every beta release there are bound to be bugs and things we can improve with future updates. We will roll out more website changes as they become ready, but we could not wait to show you our new look. Until then, forgive our dust -- and let us know what you love, like and do not like by emailing us your feedback.
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Navigation   Our new website utilises colourful icons to help you navigate around the website.
Learn more »
 Website Traffic Analysis
Star Service   Discover how subscribing to monthly website traffic analysis benefits you.
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 Microsoft Outlook Email Setup
Helpful Note   Find out how to set up your new email account in either Microsoft Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, or Outlook Express.
 Sharing with your friends
Important Note   You can now share our website by using the "email a friend" form located in the top right hand corner of every web page at
 What do you think?
Contact Us   Tell us what you think of the new website version 1.1?
Your feedback helps us deliver a better website for you.
 Free Downloads available
Downloads   Download the latest versions of the Adobe® Flash Player for interactive media, or Acrobat Reader to view PDF files.
     Discover how to make your passions & brand in sync through:  
ArtWorks - Graphic Design IdWorks - Identity Design WebWorks - Website Design
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